Enhancing Education through NOOC-Based Microcredentials: debate at UNED Radio Channel

In an exciting development for educators and learners alike, the UNED Radio Channel recently hosted an insightful talk focused on the effectiveness of NOOC-based microcredentials as part of the ENID-TEACH project.

The talk highlighted the results of extensive research conducted over the past two years, which included gathering the opinions of university teachers who participated in five different NOOCs.

  1. Effectiveness of Microlearning: Participants shared positive feedback on the microlearning format, noting its accessibility and the ability to fit learning into their busy schedules.
  2. Scientific Basis: The evaluation sought to establish a scientific foundation for microlearning as a teaching model, analyzing its impact on student engagement and knowledge retention.
  3. Teacher Insights: University educators provided valuable perspectives on the integration of NOOCs into traditional curricula, emphasizing flexibility and adaptability in teaching strategies.

The findings from this research not only shed light on the current effectiveness of NOOC-based microcredentials but also pave the way for future developments in educational practices. The ENID-TEACH project aims to continue refining these innovative approaches to enhance learning experiences across Europe.


  • Sonia Santovenia Casal Director of the University Institute of Distance Education (IUED-UNED)
  • Rubén Gómez Méndez Student of the PhD programme of the Faculty of Education and researcher of the ENID-Teach project.
  • Gloria Soto Martínez Professor at UNED and project researcher
  • Juan Ramón Andrés Cabero editor – broadcaster, UNED Media

See the talk in the UNED Channel.

ENID-Teach Spanish Workshops announced!

Organized by UNED, a series of workshops is designed to empower university teachers and education enthusiasts with innovative tools and strategies for effective teaching in digital environments.

The ENID-Teach workshops adopt a practical and interactive approach, enabling participants to apply what they learn directly to their teaching practices. Conducted in Spanish with English subtitles, these synchronous sessions foster collaboration and active engagement between participants and the expert teaching team.

The workshops will run from January 20 to February 7, 2025, are conducted via Zoom, with sessions recorded and made available on the UNED Channel, allowing participants to revisit the material at their convenience.

Index of workshops, teaching staff and calendar

Workshop 1
Title: Application of connected and critical methodologies in digital education: innovative proposal of the ENID-Teach project.
• Date and time: 20 January 2025 (18:00 – 19:00)
• Registration: Registration link
• Professor: Prof. Dr. Susana Regina López

Workshop 2
Title: Application of gamified methodologies in digital education: innovative proposal of the ENID-Teach project.
• Date and Time: 22 January 2025 (16:30 – 17:30)
• Registration: Registration link
• Professor: Prof. and Researcher Irene Méndez Gómez

Workshop 3
Title: Application of collaborative methodologies and research in digital education: innovative proposal of the ENID-Teach project.
• Date and time: 30 January 2025 (10:00 – 11:30)
• Registration: Registration link
• Professors: Prof. Dr. Gloria Soto Martínez and Prof. Dr. María del Mar Román García

Workshop 4
Title: Application of mixed methodologies in digital education: innovative proposal of the ENID-Teach project.
• Date and time: 30 January 2025 (17:00 – 18:00)
• Registration: Registration link
• Professor: Researcher Rubén Gómez Méndez

Workshop 5
Title: Designing digital and flexible learning programmes: an innovative proposal of the ENID-Teach project.
• Date and time: 7 February 2025 (10:30 – 11:30)
• Registration: Registration link
• Teacher: Prof. Dr. Sonia Santoveña Casal


Federica Abramo presented a talk with the title Working against illiteracy. Teaching foreign literature in higher academic institutions of the future, adopting IBL and digital tools within the conference 12th Mediterranean Interdisciplinary Forum on Social Sciences and Humanities, MIFS 2024 organized by the European Scientific Institute (ESI) at the Department of Educational Sciences – University of Catania. The presentation addressed the necessity of changing traditional teaching approaches and invited the participant to take part into the ENID Teach training program.

ENID-TEACH conference contribution on nano-learning

Federica Abramo and Salvatore Ciancitto presented a talk with the title “Digital Nano-Learning: new paradigms and new participants’ roles” within the conference New Trends in English Studies: Evolving Paradigms organized by Kore University of Enna.
By questioning the new role that each teacher should take within university courses, the
presentation highlighted the resistance of Italian academics to participate in digital technology training courses and invited all participants to take part in ENID Teach activities and the Recolntad network.

ENID-TEACH project presented at TLC Meeting

Renata Gambino and Federica Abramo presented a talk with the title “Un’esperienza di formazione dei docenti universitari UNICT. Il progetto Erasmus+ Enid Teach” at the National Meeting Modelli organizzativi e ruolo dei Teaching and Learning Centre nelle Università, organized by the Università degli Studi di Palermo, Rettorato dell’Università degli Studi Palermo, Palazzo Steri on the 12th and 13th of April.

The meeting was successful in questioning the role of the teacher at University considering the necessary transformation that digital tools and ecology are imposing.

The project Enid-Teach was welcomed as a very interesting first step towards a necessary innovation in the teaching and learning methodologies applied in university courses.


Federica Abramo, Salvatore Ciancitto, Renata Gambino and Francesca Vigo took part into the Fiera DIDACTA ITALIA, Firenze, at Fortezza da Basso. They presented the Enid-Teach Erasmus+ programme within the UniCT stand.
The stand was visited by the Italian Minister of Higher Education On. Anna Maria Bernini, and by several other colleagues, who were interested in the project.

ENID-Teach project presented at Radio UNED

On March 19, 2024, Radio UNED hosted a presentation unveiling the groundbreaking ENID-Teach project. Spearheaded by the project coordinator and staff, ENID-Teach is poised to revolutionize education through innovative methodologies and advanced technologies.

For those eager to explore the ENID-Teach project further, the recordings can be viewed on:

ENID-Teach stands at the forefront of educational innovation, poised to shape the future of learning worldwide. Stay tuned for more updates on this transformative project!

Next edition of the NOOCs in all languages!

In May we are back with a new iteration of the project’s NOOCs!

From 15 May to 15 June 2024 there will be a new edition of the ENID-Teach project courses.

Remember that you can choose to do each and every one of them in the language of your preference. 

By taking all the courses you will acquire very complete competences in didactic methodologies and digital pedagogies (gamified, active, collaborative, inverted and connected). You will also learn how to create your own designs based on flexible methodologies.

The ENID-Teach network: ReCoIn-TaD

The “International cooperation network for knowledge transfer and digital learning in the face of the post-COVID crisis” is a network configured as a space of international, European and Latin American confluence. It grows, enriches and feeds back with the participation and contributions of innovative researchers and teachers of interdisciplinary scope. 

It is a distributed network that is open to all professionals interested in education and in improving education with an interest in sharing experiences in flexible digital teaching practices.

Do you want to join? 

How to join the ENID-Teach network?

If you are interested in joining our network, please fill in this application form.

First iteration of the NOOCs completed for all partners!

From 20 November 2023 to 20 December 2023 the five NOOCs of the project have been delivered in all the languages of the project (French, English, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish). 

The courses delivered were: 

  • Active and gamified learning – Ed02
  • Flexible learning design and digital programmes – Ed01
  • Connected and critical methodologies – Ed02
  • Collaborative and research methodologies – Ed02
  • Inverted methodologies – Ed02

Course contents can still be visited at: https://hub8.eco-learning.eu/ or https://www.enidteach.eu/courses/

Transnational Project Meeting in Lisbon

On the 17th and 18th of July, the partnership has met in presence, at the premises of Universidade Aberta in Lisbon. This has been the second transnational meeting in presence, after Paris in 2022. A new opportunity to strengthen the partnership cohesion and to focus on the different project aspects. During the meeting, the partners have discussed different aspects of the development of the project, especially those related to the creation, translation and dissemination of the NOOCs. In addition, the meeting was an opportunity to strengthen ties and make new proposals to help improve the project.

First ENID-TEACH courses start!

On the 19th of January 2023, the first two courses of the ENID-TEACH project have started.

You can attend the NOOC “Connected and Critical Methodologies”, organized by our French partner Savoir*Devenir and so far available in English and French.
At the same time, you can also attend the NOOC “Collaborative and Research Methodologies”, organized by the University of Catania and available in English and Italian.

Both the NOOCs are reach of video lectures, as well as many different interactive resources. Each NOOC delivery will be active for one month.

Haven’t signed up for the courses yet? HURRY UP! You can still join them here:
NOOC1: https://hub8.eco-learning.eu/course/connected-and-critical-learning-it01/
NOOC2: https://hub8.eco-learning.eu/course/collaborative-and-research-methodology/

First online ENID-TEACH seminar

Today we have celebrated the first online seminar of the ENID-TEACH project.

During the meeting, the different project partners have introduced the five expected NOOCS and the project e-learning environment. More that 100 participants from all Europe have attended the event!

Stay tuned! The first two NOOCs will start on the 19th of January!

Online Seminar “Transforming Education – Transforming the World”

Date: Wednesday, 16th November 2022
Starting time: 11:30 CET
Duration: 2 hours

International evento for free
The international project ENID-Teach is currently organizing an online event where you will be informed on how to join the European Network in D-flexible Teaching, a cohesive network for cooperation and exchange of good practices in applying flexible and innovative methodologies in education.

During the ENID-Teach event:

  • You will be presented the ENID-Teach philosophy and the main concepts.
  • You will be explained how to join us.
  • You will be introduced with the training opportunities offered.
  • You will be demonstrated the facilities of ENID-Teach digital educational environment.

In the end you will have the opportunity to ask questions to the involved experts in the domain.

Get involved in this event and be a driver of change!

Please, REGISTER and you will be sent a link to the event.

Transnational Project Meeting in Paris

On the 11st and 12nd of July, the partnership has met in presence, at the premises of Savoir*Devenir in Paris. It has been the first opportunity to meet in presence, after the Covid-19 emergency. A great opportunity to strengthen the partnership cohesion and to focus on the different project aspects.

During the meeting, the partnership has jointly discussed in detail about the methodology to be adopted for the didactic contents production. Also, each NOOC has been presented and discussed in depth.

Kick-off meeting of ENID-Teach

ENID-Teach has officially started!

Today the ENID-Teach partnership has met for the first time in order to start the project activities. We have discussed about the project activities and started to share ideas about the NOOCs design and contents.

Unfortunately, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, it has been safer to meet just online, but we are confident that soon we’ll be able to meet in presence too.